

Wherever you are in the world, and whatever your needs, I have a plan that will suit your lifestyle and your budget:

Services Available

  • Sports and performance nutrition
  • MLCHF / paleo / primal / vegetarian/ vegan meal plans
  • Weight management
  •  Hormone help
  •  Digestive and gastrointestinal issues
  •  Nutritional considerations for clinical conditions and injury rehabilitation
  •  Custom Nutrition Plans
  •  Eating for health and increased energy levels
  •  Sports nutrition seminars for sports groups and corporate teams
  •  Nutrition seminars for corporate groups
  •  Testing recommendations for digestive-related, heart health, hormonal, neurotransmitters and fatigue/stress related markers

Choose an Option

Zoom Call – $120 for 30min $220 for 60min

This is great for people who might be eating a low carbohydrate, high fat (LCHF)/wholefood/paleo/vegan diet but aren’t seeing the expected benefits (be it weight loss, increased energy, sports performance or all three). I’ll help you dial in your diet and start seeing some results. Perhaps you would like your keto/LCHF/vegan diet questions answered? I can also help you start your nutrition plan if you are looking to make the change. Let’s chat and I can answer all your questions by Zoom to help you develop an eating plan that will fit with your lifestyle. Bring a pen and paper to our session!

Book Now

Monthly mealplan and nutrition coaching service

Do you need meal inspiration, qualified nutritionist support, recipe ideas and information? Annual subscriptions available.


Choose a Plan

One-off email plan – $220

 You know the reasons for following a LCHF/wholefood/paleo nutrition plan, and have an idea of the foods you should be eating, but you just need somebody to give you a plan (based on some individualised information) to get the ball rolling. This is via email and, after getting some information from you I can set you up ready to go. Either you take the plan and run, or you can also arrange additional follow-ups with me via Skype, in clinic or by email for some feedback and have your questions answered. I’ll give you either a 14 day plan with recipes based on your likes/dislikes and dietary needs or a longer term guide.

Please click here to receive information upon purchasing.

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Couple/family assessment  via Zoom/ FaceTime or phone) – $380

This is great for people who might be eating a low carbohydrate, high fat (LCHF)/wholefood/paleo diet but aren’t seeing the expected benefits (be it weight loss, increased energy, sports performance or all three). I’ll help you dial in your diet and start seeing some results. Perhaps you would like your LCHF or paleo diet questions answered? I can also help you start your nutrition plan if you are looking to make the change. Let’s chat and I can answer all your questions by Zoom to help you develop an eating plan that will fit with your lifestyle. Bring a pen and paper to our session!

Book Now