Mondays to Mastery

Your 8-Week PSMF Nutrition Evolution

Building on the success of Mondays Matter, I’m excited to help you take it to the next level, going beyond just a plan to follow, and empowering you to understand, customise, and apply the PSMF nutrition principles to your everyday life.



The Mondays Matter plan is a perfect fit for a lot of people, and they enjoy the freedom that comes from following a set menu with the knowledge they are eating in a way to support their health and body composition goals. However, if you want to take it further than a 'one size fits all' approach, having customised macronutrients set up to personalise your plan can help you with long term sustainability based on your specific needs. For those who want to count macros, we will customise your macros based on your body composition goals, incorporating PSMF based on bodyweight recommendations and best practice guidelines. However, this is not compulsory! But can be a good way to navigate your nutrition journey. You have access to the recipe portal to build your repertoire of higher protein, appropriate carb selections as you implement the macros that are set out, or - for those who prefer a food options approach, the food guidelines we work out for you.

Each week for 8 weeks, we will connect via a nutrition coaching group call, where we can troubleshoot in the small group setting and discuss strategies related to long term success. We continue the successful formula of having a small group of like-minded individuals committed to achieving their best health. These pods are a perfect opportunity to learn from each other, as many are navigating the same nutrition challenges. Power in numbers. A Mondays to Mastery FB community page is another way to connect with each other outside of the weekly zoom calls.

As I do in Mondays Matter, I'm here to help you navigate this next stage. Your progress is my goal. I'm here to provide ongoing support, answer your queries, and ensure you're on track for success. In addition to the calls and the FB page, you have access to me through the online messaging portal in Training Tilt.

This is building on the foundations of Mondays Matter and setting you up for lifelong confidence in your food choices as you continue to work on your health goals. Together we'll arm you with the knowledge and tools you need to incorporate these principles into your daily routine, long after the programme ends.

Personalised Macronutrient Profile:  We will work together to customise your macros based on your body composition goals (optional).

Recipe Portal Access: You'll get access to over 900 higher protein, appropriate carbohydrate recipes to help you implement your personalised macros.

Weekly Group Coaching Calls:  a small nutrition coaching pod to troubleshoot issues, share strategies for long-term success, and learn from the experiences of other like-minded individuals navigating similar nutrition challenges.

Mondays to Mastery Facebook Community:  You’ll be part of a supportive community where you can share your journey, challenges, and successes with others who are on the same path.

Direct Access to a Me: Through our online messaging portal in Training Tilt.

Are you ready to master your nutrition? Join my programme today and take the first step towards your healthiest, most confident self.


About Mikki

I am passionate about maintaining good health and well-being through a whole food approach to nutrition, regular exercise, and a focus on optimising lifestyle factors that influence our ability to cope with the demands of everyday life.