The Hierachy of Hormone Support

A Masterclass in simple and effective strategies for lifelong hormone health.

Riding the hormonal rollercoaster? 

You're not alone. Countless women struggle each month with symptoms related to their menstrual cycle, be it premenstrual symptoms, or the unpredictability  that comes with the transition into menopause. Sleepless nights, unpredictable moods, rollercoaster energy, bloated stomach, cravings and a metabolism that seems to have a mind of its own—does this sound all too familiar?

It's easy to feel confused as to what you should be doing. Especially because at every turn there are legitimate experts with different and competing recommendations. Despite that, at the heart of hormone wellness there are fundamental principles that apply to every woman. I created this masterclass to help you cut through the seeming contradictory information and find the solution for you.

Secure Your Seat for $37

If you tick the box on at least 3 of these, this Masterclass is for you:

  • You avoid wearing your favourite jeans for two weeks out of four: You have to swap out into bigger sized pants, particularly in the days leading up to your period or as you enter the realm of peri-menopause.
  • You're wide awake between 2-4am: You’re experiencing frustrating sleep disturbances, waking up in the middle of the night and struggling to fall back asleep, leaving you feeling exhausted by morning.
  •  Your menstrual cycle is getting shorter and shorter: What was once a 32 day cycle is now coming in around 26 or 27 days, and perhaps not every month and bleeding is a lot heavier.
  • You have world-changing ideas that you can't remember when you go to write them down: You are also struggling to remember  what you were just about to do, the names of your children or names of common household items. 
  •  You're falling asleep after lunchDespite getting a good night's sleep, you feel exhausted throughout the day, especially after eating. 
  •  Struggle with unpredictable mood swings: You’re riding an emotional rollercoaster, with feelings of irritability or sudden sadness that seem to come out of nowhere, affecting your relationships and daily life.
  •  Have the new sensation of itching ears, or are noticing smells that others aren't: Both symptoms of perimenopause that aren't talked about that are disconcerting for you.
  • You hobble out of bed in the morning: You have to take extra days off in between workouts, experiencing unfamiliar joint pain and feel unable to recover from your workouts. 
  •  Feel overwhelmed or anxious where you used to feel confident: Situations you once handled with ease now trigger overwhelming stress or anxiety, especially in the week leading up to your period or during the early stages of peri-menopause.
  •  Have developed new cravings or changes in appetite: You're experiencing intense cravings, especially for sweets or carbs, or notice significant shifts in your appetite, which seem tied to your menstrual cycle or hormonal changes.
  • Are sick of spending hundreds of dollars on supplements that don't work.

In this one-off 90 minute  Masterclass you will learn:

  • The physiological changes that occur across your menstrual cycle and their impact on mood, energy and your weight
  • The key changes that occur in perimenopause that impact on your physiology and psychology
  • The underlying stress response that dictates hormonal inputs and outputs
  • The metabolic and blood biomarkers to test to understand their impact on your energy, mood and metabolism (and what they mean)
  • The hierachy of strategies to optimise hormonal health
    • Lifestyle
    • Diet
    • Supplements
    • Fasting
    • Temperature (cold water therapy/sauna) 
  • How to determine the best solutions for YOUR hormone profile
  • The recording is being sent out after the Masterclass for you to refer back to (and if you can't make it live)


Taking place on Sunday, 7 April, 2pm NZT*, you will leave the Masterclass with a roadmap to hormone harmony

(*The Masterclass is being recorded and sent out if you can't make it live.)


Register Now for $37